Thursday 12 July 2018


  • Your spirit was chosen to walk on this earth, for a purpose, that purpose may never reveal itself while you’re still walking this earth, so enjoy the life you’ve chosen to live within.
  • Love is within and surrounding you.
  • We are stardust, we are Energy, follow this knowledge and you will find abundance easy to have.
  • Never use negatives to generate a positive eg: “I don’t want to be fat”, use; “I am thin”
  • Always use present terms when conversing with yourself about yourself, the past is gone, the future is unknown, the present moment is the most important one, walk it with love.
  • Have a gratitude attitude and thank The day for whatever it’s given you, turn those negatives into lessons learnt. 
Thank you for reading and may this information be useful for your day, life, whatever. 


Lofty said...

Sometimes easier said than done, but I do like the idea of not using negatives to generate positives.

Moondial said...

I’ve been trying to do this for a long time, it requires almost constant concentration because our western society indoctrinates negativity.

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