Monday 30 December 2019

Designing Again

I've started working on my designs and artwork again. I'm feeling the urge to make, design and generally be creative. It's very theraputic and seems to be helping me on many levels at what could be a turbulant time...

Tuesday 12 November 2019


I’m planning on finishing my reiki course soon and hopefully mastering distance reiki healing.
Let me know if that’s something you guy would be interested in.
I’m thinking about studying aromatherapy for a proper certification when I have, again, comments and suggestions welcome.
I just want to be able to help all of you in at natural ways possible.
I have an extensive knowledge in UK herbal remedy already, if you’d like to tap into that knowledge too, just ask.
I miss you guys talking to me.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Turn and Face the Strange

Just to keep all of you lovely people connected. 

I’ve got a lot of changes going on, all positive, regardless of how damning they might feel having made some very difficult and bold decisions, I’ve decided that I stil like change and am happy to “turn and face the strange”  that goes with it (thank you David Bowie inspired quote).

I’m buzzing with an odd exuberance as I step fearlessly into an unknown territory. I made a decision and I indent to stick to it. 

I’m trying to work out where excitement comes from, I keep thinking it’s the solar plexus, but then it bounces to the heart and back again. It’s so much fun! 🤪

More information will follow as time passes and the wounds of others are licked and healed and my excitement levels calm to a dull roar...

Almost time to hold a ‘personal freedom party’... 🥳 

Peace ✌️ 

Monday 22 April 2019


I’m still training as a reiki practitioner online, I’m working twice a day on self-healing using reiki, once I feel I can do this with proper ease and actually manage twice a day every day as part of my routine, my intention is to help others, the world and all living matter within her. 

How do you all feel about it? Does it sound extreme? I may be one person, but if we all come together to heal everything, maybe we can raise earth’s vibration to a better state?

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