Thursday 27 June 2019

Turn and Face the Strange

Just to keep all of you lovely people connected. 

I’ve got a lot of changes going on, all positive, regardless of how damning they might feel having made some very difficult and bold decisions, I’ve decided that I stil like change and am happy to “turn and face the strange”  that goes with it (thank you David Bowie inspired quote).

I’m buzzing with an odd exuberance as I step fearlessly into an unknown territory. I made a decision and I indent to stick to it. 

I’m trying to work out where excitement comes from, I keep thinking it’s the solar plexus, but then it bounces to the heart and back again. It’s so much fun! 🤪

More information will follow as time passes and the wounds of others are licked and healed and my excitement levels calm to a dull roar...

Almost time to hold a ‘personal freedom party’... 🥳 

Peace ✌️ 

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